July 16th, 2024

The science behind an iPhone dumb phone

Scientific research supports simplifying iPhone usage for improved well-being. Strategies include disabling notifications, deleting apps, using grayscale mode, and setting plain wallpapers to reduce stress and enhance focus. Reshaping smartphone relationships is crucial for mental health.

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The science behind an iPhone dumb phone

The article delves into the scientific research supporting strategies to simplify iPhone usage for improved well-being. Tactics like disabling notifications, deleting apps (especially social media), using grayscale mode, and setting plain wallpapers aim to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression associated with smartphone use. Research suggests that these tactics can help regain focus, enhance well-being, and decrease problematic smartphone use. The article highlights the importance of reshaping our relationship with smartphones due to their negative impacts on mental health. While acknowledging the benefits of smartphones, the focus is on mitigating their detrimental effects through practical strategies. The author emphasizes the need to understand the research behind these tactics and encourages readers to explore the referenced studies for further insights. Overall, the article provides a comprehensive overview of how altering smartphone usage habits can lead to a more positive and mindful interaction with technology.


Smartphone apps are a headache for travel, banking, hotels, apartments, laundry

Smartphone apps are a headache for travel, banking, hotels, apartments, laundry

Frustration grows over reliance on smartphone apps for services like travel and banking. Concerns include accessibility challenges, app reliability, and impact on older adults and individuals with disabilities. Maintaining a balance is crucial.

School Smartphone Bans Are Picking Up Steam

School Smartphone Bans Are Picking Up Steam

Schools globally ban smartphones to combat mental health issues linked to social media. Surgeon General suggests social media warning labels akin to tobacco regulation. Debate surrounds bans' effectiveness versus teaching responsible phone use.

Dumbification of Our Smartphones

Dumbification of Our Smartphones

The article discusses "Dumbification" in technology, where screens become overwhelming. It explores using "dumbphones" and minimalist apps to reduce screen time, emphasizing balance and reclaiming attention in a tech-driven world.

Kids Who Get Smartphones Earlier Become Adults with Worse Mental Health (2023)

Kids Who Get Smartphones Earlier Become Adults with Worse Mental Health (2023)

A study by Sapien Labs links receiving smartphones at a young age to poorer mental health in young adults, especially women. Early exposure affects mood, social interactions, cognition, and more. Further research and age-appropriate guidelines are recommended.

The mere presence of a smartphone reduces basal attentional performance

The mere presence of a smartphone reduces basal attentional performance

A study in Scientific Reports reveals smartphones' presence, even when off, can lower cognitive performance. Research suggests smartphones consume cognitive resources, impacting attention and concentration. Debate persists on smartphones' exact influence on cognitive abilities.

Link Icon 18 comments
By @robertlagrant - 3 months
I've uninstalled all social media, which is the main notifications hook. I really think the power of apps is in notifications, and it's best to cut them out. If I want to see a Tweet or a Facebook post, probably because someone I know on Whatsapp sent me it, I'll use the website. I don't want to be dragged in by notifications.

Anyone else the same?

By @shinycode - 3 months
When the tool is too powerful for our capacities of self-control, maybe some people should roll back to the was things were before.

- a simple phone with SMS

- a desk computer in the living room for internet and email, shared between everyone

- a camera

- an ebook reader (or just books and newspaper)

By @volatilecarbon - 3 months
The grayscale suggestion is pretty interesting. I was skeptical it would make any difference, but I tried it and my home screen instantly felt more calming to look at at. It seems like we really underestimate how much visual complexity exhausts us.

Not sure how long I'll keep it like that, but I think I'll leave it for now as I've been trying to minimize my phone for a while now (biggest difference was removing social media apps and disabling most notifications). If you're a busy person with a lot of demands on your attention, I highly recommend it.

By @em500 - 3 months
There is no science behind this, and the article spends far too many words for something that's very simple to accomplish:

1. Hard reset your iPhone

2. Remove Safari and AppStore (via Settings -> Screentime restrictions -> Content & Privacy Restrictions) and have someone trusted set a Screen Time password.

That's all. You still have weather reports, agendas, alarm clocks, maps, translators, phone+messenger, email, a music player, a camera, but zero time wasters. With this setup you can give an iPhone to a 6 year old with zero anxiety about "screen time" (which in reality is really internet time: disable internet access and they're bored with the phone in less than a day).

Pretty much everything that we tell ourselves we really need instantly are lies: almost nothing is really so time sensitive that it can't wait till you're behind a desktop/laptop.

By @cocoflunchy - 3 months
I have in my backlogs of projects (one day I will have time for them...) an extreme "dumb smartphone".

I want to have maps, whatsapp, chatgpt, a document scanner, my banking app, a guitar tuner... these are tools.

So I need both an app whitelist (there are only so many apps that I actually use on my phone) and a website blacklist (no more HN, reddit, twitter, facebook, news websites, etc). I can use those on my computer but it won't be a mindless scroll whenever I have 5 minutes.

Unfortunately I don't think this is feasible on iOS (I have tried Opal but it was so buggy I gave up). A custom Android launcher seems promising, but I have not found how to install a system wide firewall yet. Maybe creating a custom Android OS is the only way to have enough control?

By @skadamat - 3 months
For me, there was a hierarchy of habits I had to kick.

1. Being pulled IN to apps and my phone through notifications

Solutions for me:

- Disabling notifications mostly (minus important ones like Uber arriving)

- Customizing Personal focus mode so only family can reach me and keeping phone in this mode by default

2. Being bored in line or while waiting somewhere, so I open Mail or Safari app to click common news / community websites.

Solution for me:

- Clearing history / browser cache from time to time so I have to manually type in these websites. A bit more friction.

- Deleting YouTube or other unlimited content websites but keeping high quality leisure apps (Kindle or Podcasts)

For me, grayscale didn't work

By @weinzierl - 3 months
For years I had a 50% grey background on all of my devices. People asked me if I am depressed (jokingly) but in fact a calm clutter free background makes me happy.
By @nunez - 3 months
This is great advice but mostly ineffectual without addressing the root of the problem here. Phone apps are designed to be addicting, and that addiction has been socially normalized (I.e. it's totallly normal to momentarily zone out and browse Instagram on your phone while out with friends).
By @tines - 3 months
I found that Android was better for dumbing down. If you have enough technical sophistication to run adb over a USB cable, you can run a single command to uninstall any app, including the built-in web browser app. Super nice for getting exactly what you want on your phone.
By @breck - 3 months
I ditched my smart phone 2 years ago. Huge life improvement.

I'm on the computer or iPad a lot, but when I close the lid, I'm in the real world, like the old days. Highly recommend.

(It does help to have burners though, because you do require them on occasion)

By @MARK1947 - 3 months
Are having issues accessing your social media or experiencing social media account issues? I recommend you contact Angelina for any type of issues concerning your social media account, she work's with META and i can assure you that she is very much reliable also she's always available to attend to you as regarding your account issues. I suggest you feel free to contact her through email at AngelinaChristopher1738@gmail.com or you can also contact her on instagram at Angelina_Christopher1738 she’s the ultimate solution. Her prompt and reliable service turned my frustration into relief. Don't hesitate to contact her for swift assistance!
By @dash2 - 3 months
I've really enjoyed having greyscale on my iPhone. I have some apps (maps, photos etc.) automatically go into colour using a Shortcut automation.

You can set up greyscale in the Accessibility settings.

By @pcdoodle - 3 months
Why is it impossible to reduce color saturation on all apple products? I still like a slight hint of color context but don't want these CASINO looking MacOS and iOS experiences.
By @seba_dos1 - 3 months
iPhone is already dumb. It's a toy that's not within the control of its user, and Android is only marginally better. I'm using GNU/Linux on my phone and while it offers me the power of a full unrestricted computing device in my pocket, it only ever distracts me with things I explicitly opted into. Despite of some of its shortcomings, it really ends up being a much calmer and more usable experience overall.
By @cryptoboy2283 - 3 months
I'd also add:

- writing everything in lowercase - helps reduce depression and anxiety