August 11th, 2024

Physicists Just Discovered Such an Explosive Type of Fusion They Almost Hid

Physicists Marek Karliner and Jonathan L. Rosner discovered a new quark fusion type, revealing significant energy output but impractical for energy production or weapons due to rapid quark decay.

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Physicists Just Discovered Such an Explosive Type of Fusion They Almost Hid

Physicists Marek Karliner and Jonathan L. Rosner have discovered a new type of fusion involving quarks, which are the fundamental constituents of protons and neutrons. This fusion process, while highly energetic, has limitations that prevent it from being a viable energy source or a new form of nuclear weapon. The researchers were initially apprehensive about the implications of their findings, as the energy released from fusing heavy quarks could be substantial—up to 138 megaelectron volts. However, the instability of these quarks means they cannot be harnessed in a practical manner, as they exist only for a fraction of a second before decaying into lighter quarks. This discovery provides valuable insights into the nature of mass and energy at the quantum level, highlighting the complexities of subatomic interactions. The research was published in the journal Nature, emphasizing the ongoing exploration of fundamental physics and its potential implications.

- A new type of fusion involving quarks has been discovered by physicists.

- The energy output from this fusion is significant but impractical for energy production or weaponization.

- Heavy quarks, such as bottom quarks, decay too quickly to be used in practical applications.

- The findings enhance understanding of mass and energy at the quantum level.

- The research underscores the complexities of subatomic interactions and their implications.

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By @perihelions - 7 months
Imagine how differently history would have gone if the half-dozen or so people who figured out nuclear fission didn't go running to their politicians to loudly announce "look, we've discovered an amazing new type of weapon", but instead kept quiet and never talked about it.

I wonder this was Gödel's thinking when he was sent from Europe to America to relay the secret of the A-bomb, and instead he stayed silent [0]. Perhaps he anticipated, like a silent prisoners' dilemma, that the other half-dozen would also stay quiet, and then nuclear weapons would never appear.

[0] ("The spy who flunked it: Kurt Gödel's forgotten part in the atom-bomb story (")

(Maybe there's a colorable argument the world's nations should agree not build any very large particle accelerators, on the off chance they accidentally discover a new type of world-ending physics weapon. Given the pricetags of frontier-size colliders, it'd be possible to keep this particular genie locked in its bottle almost indefinitely).