August 12th, 2024

CVBasic v0.6.0: The retro Z80 BASIC compiler now targets 6502

CVBasic is a cross-compiler for BASIC, version 0.6.0, supporting retro gaming platforms. It allows program creation up to 1 MB and includes essential files in its repository.

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CVBasic v0.6.0: The retro Z80 BASIC compiler now targets 6502

CVBasic is a cross-compiler for the BASIC programming language, specifically designed for retro gaming platforms such as Colecovision, Sega SG1000, and MSX. The current version is 0.6.0, developed by Óscar Toledo Gutiérrez, and is available under a source code license. The compiler enables the creation of programs up to 1 MB in size through bank-switching techniques. It supports various platforms, including Spectravideo SVI-318/328, Sord M5, Memotech, and experimental support for VTech Creativision. The repository contains essential files such as the source code, assembly files, an English manual, and several example BASIC programs that showcase the compiler's features. Users can compile programs for Colecovision using specific command-line instructions, with variations available for other platforms. The author invites users to report bugs and consider donations to aid in the development of CVBasic. Additionally, there are books for sale that offer further insights into programming games for Colecovision using this tool. For more information, users can visit the GitHub repository.

- CVBasic is a BASIC language cross-compiler for retro gaming platforms.

- The current version is 0.6.0, created by Óscar Toledo Gutiérrez.

- It supports multiple platforms and allows program creation up to 1 MB.

- The repository includes source code, assembly files, a manual, and example programs.

- Users are encouraged to report bugs and consider donations for development support.


Programming Like It's 1977

Programming Like It's 1977

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PC-BASIC, a cross-platform interpreter for GW-BASIC

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Basic–The Most Consequential Programming Language in the History of Computing

Basic–The Most Consequential Programming Language in the History of Computing

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Basic – The Most Consequential Programming Language in the History of Computing

Basic – The Most Consequential Programming Language in the History of Computing

BASIC, created in 1964, made programming accessible to students and hobbyists, fostering interest in coding. Its legacy influences modern languages, despite its decline in popularity among professional developers.

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By @jxndndnjc - 7 months
Writing a basic compiler is such a nice leisure time activity:)